Saturday, July 23, 2011

Final Blog Entry

When I first read the assignment that we were suppose to blog EVERYDAY for 25 days, I freaked out a little. It seamed an easy enough task, just tedious. As I started blogging I discovered I was right about the second part, but wrong about it being easy. The first few blogs were fairly simple, but as I started running out of ideas, getting pounded with extra hours of work, moving and running low in "creative juice", it got harder to reach the 300 word requirement and not make this blog a journal. To be honest, I have not always enjoyed having to blog everyday, and some days I did not blog, although I did try. I think blogging can be fun at times and tedious at others. I have a hard time deciding what to blog on. Should I write a story, pick a random word or phrase, or write about an experience I had that day? I would usually pick story first, but then I would get writers block, so I would try to think of a word to write about, but nothing would come to mind so I would ask my husband to give me a word, but not like his word. Some days it would take me a whole hour to write what should only take 15 minutes. Towards the end of my blogging, I would mostly write about the essay I had coming up. I feel like I can be a creative person, but if I was creative, wouldn’t blogging be easy? I guess what Ann Lamontt said in “Bird by Bird” would prove otherwise; writing is not always easy. Freewriteing was helpful in warming up; much like athletes will warm up before a game. Usually once I got started it would be easier and I would start to enjoy it more because I did not have to worry if my writing was making sense or if my grammar was correct or not. I have a lot of stories I want to tell but how can I do that if I never start writing? I have found blogging a very helpful to exercise. It has let me know that as long as I can just start writing, I can write.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Last Nights Adventure

Cuts, blood and the like. I am finding out it is a good thing I am not going to be a doctor. My husband come home from basketball last night with his lower eyelid cut!. A guys finger had poked his eye and the fingernail gave him the cut. I still cringe just thinking about it. I drove him 15 minutes to a Cox care center, but they had closed 10 minutes before we got there (go figure), then I wanted to take him to the hospital but he would not let me! I finally convinced him to at least go to walmart to get something to clean his eye out with. Wouldn't you know it, there is nothing at walmart that is meant to deal with a cut near/on your eye, so he grabs a cleaner that is meant for disinfecting contact lenses. On the way out I take another look at his eye and see that his EYEBALL is cut! This is when I start panicking (wouldn't you?). "I know" is all he said. I was about ready to kidnap my own husband and take him to the hospital (an hour away). He kept saying he was fine and that his body was telling him he was okay. He is so stubborn at times. When we got back to his parents place (we are living with them until we move in a week) and his mom was really worried too, but his dad was so relaxed about it. What is it with men and thinking they are invincible? This morning he still did not go to a doctor. One of his majors was Sports Management, and he said that in the classes there he learned how to deal with this kind of injury. I'm still worried. It's about all I can think about. Oh, it hurts to think about what it would feel like if that happened to me!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Some thought on Blogging

Blogging. When I first heard about blogs, I thought, "I am never going to have a blog. What a waste of my time and others if they read my blog. I don't have anything interesting to write about."
But after I was married one of my sisters convinced me to make a blog. It took a long time for me to figure out how to get it all set up, and I still do not know how to do a lot of the "cool" things on it. Since I made this school blog I hardly ever update my other blog (not that I updated it much anyway). My sister will even post comments complaining about me not updating my blog. Her blog is amazing. Full of pictures and stories, even music! I tried the music thing, still cannot figure that one out! Huh, I just noticed I have a little chocolate on my keyboard...random.
Anyway, with this blog, I have a lot more post, some are complete nonsense and some sorta make sense. I have come to really enjoy Freewrite, especially when it turns into a story! I also have had a hard time trying to come up with things to write about everyday. It is a lot harder than one might think. There were days when I would write a line or two, but then have nothing more to say (I am a woman of few words usually). Like right now....really nothing is coming to mind to write about. I think writers block is more like writers space-out at times. Maybe your thoughts get so high they go right through the ozone layers into space and you have to build a special spacecraft to go find them. You have to be a Space Word Seeker in order to find what it is that you were trying to write down when you lost it to space. Space is an interesting word. SPACE. Space bar, outer space, space in your head...I think I've gone on long enough about space. I am not a space geek by the way. It's just a random thought that popped into my head. My mother-in-law thinks I am tired. I just read to her my space ramblings. Oh dear. I think I shall stop and hit the hay.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

No Title has been Chosen...

I just deleted a whole blog I had written because it was just me complaining and my husband and I did not think it was appropriate. So now I will write a new blog.

Topic: Random thoughts as they flow through my tired brain.

I am sitting on the couch next to my husband as he plays his video game with his brothers. His brothers are not here, they are talking over a head set connected by the internet. I usually do not mind him playing because they only time he plays is when his brothers are on, it gives them a chance to unwind and stay connected. At times though it does drive me a little nuts, like when I am trying to talk to him and he is talking to his brothers so he is not totally focused on me, but I guess I just need to learn how to share him. It's about time, we have almost been married a year. I know it's not a long time and it really doesn't feel like a long time at all, but that is what makes it so hard to believe it has almost been a year. A year ago today...what was I doing????......I am not sure exactly what I was doing to the day, but around the same time I was getting ready for finals, planning a wedding, working full time, trying to still spend time with my husband-to-be, and keep from going insane. I was so scared to get married but I knew it was the right thing. Even during the wedding ceremony I was still kinda questioning what I was doing. It wasn't until a few days AFTER we were married that I decided I had made a good choice. Haha! Has anyone else ever felt that way? Maybe it was due to us only dating for two months before getting engaged and only being engaged for six WEEKS before getting married. We only knew each other for just over three months before we got married. So Crazy.

Monday, July 18, 2011

More on London

The Tower of London was once used mainly as a prison. William Wallace from Scotland was kept there and later executed on the grounds at Tower Hill. Wallace was not the only one to be executed within the walls of the Tower of London.  Henry VI, Edward V and Richard Plantaganet were some others from history. It wasn't until the nineteenth century that architects started studying the design of the Tower and came to consider it a historical site/building (
In 1876, the City of London Corporation in charge of the east end of the Thames River decided that the growing city needed a bridge to be built in that part as soon as possible. Years before, the London Bridge was the only way across the river. As the city grew they built more bridges to the west of the London Bridge, but not to the east because that part was used as a port. With it taking hours to get from the north side to the south, and vice versa, they finally started working on different ideas/designs for a bridge that would still allow ship activity. In October 1884, after 50 different designs had been submitted throughout the years, the Tower Bridge design was accepted. "It took 8 years, 5 major contractors and the relentless labor of 432 construction workers to build Tower Bridge" ( It is called the "Tower Bridge" because of the two towers, one either side.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Expansion of London Freewrite

Walking to the Tower Bridge and the White Tower. I can smell food coming from the restaurants and the fog that is still lingering in the morning air. I hear thousand of footsteps on the sidewalks, cars and buses as the speed by carrying their passengers to and fro, and I can hear many different languages being spoken all at once. I see people of all ethnicity's in shirts that say "I <3 London" walking by with their umbrellas in hand, I see monuments with my own eyes that just two days before I had only seen in pictures, I see rivers, bridges, light posts, traditional phone booths, bicycles for rent, and old buildings mixed in with new buildings. I feel the weight of the morning fog as it falls on my uncovered face, I feel the warmth of my coat against the February chill, I feel my heartbeat quicken as I try to keep up with my husband's pace, I feel the ground beneath the soles of my sneakers, the air created by people passing by on their way to various destinations, and the excitement of visiting a new place. We walk quickly through the streets of London. We are on our way to visit our last destination before we go back to the States the next morning. We are on our way to the Tower Bridge and the White Tower.

As I stand on a "deck" overlooking the Thames River I can see the White Tower and the Tower Bridge in front and off to the right of me. On the left is the new, egg shaped building, 30 St. Mary Axe, but fondly known as the Gherkin. Stone and metal structures made into interesting angles are all around, making a semi-circle around the historic buildings. I catch my breath from walking quickly behind my husband for the last hour or so and I can smell the early afternoon air full of the promise of rain. I have to be careful as I work my way closer to the edge of the "deck" because there are shoots water that come through the stonework on the ground. Walking across the Tower Bridge I can see the amazing architecture of the two castle like towers and the blue cables holding the bridge up. Once across we are by the White Tower, which looks more like a castle than a tower. The Tower of London is inside the White Tower/castle. I think it was a fortress around the Tower of London to keep enemies out and prisoners in. Not something I expected. We climb our way up to a higher location and look back. The scene is no less striking. We stand on the older part of the city looking across the river to the newer, business-like part of the city. Old before the new, new before the old. By this time we have been walking for hours and are hungry, tired, and need to use the "lavatory". The city of London is full of places where "old meets new" but non as spectacular as when the Tower Bridge, White Tower, and  new meet in an artistic masterpiece.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What I deserve

Creative Writing Prompt #219 - "I deserve a _________"

I deserve a raise in my job because; I show up on time and when I am going to be a few minutes late I always call and let them know, I provide great service to our customers, I go above and beyond what is expected of me, and I come to work on a 30 minute notice for 9 hours instead of 6, among other things. 

I deserve a better job because; I actually do my job, I apply myself and do my best, If I don't know how to do something I ask and then I usually don't have to ask again, and I am going to school to gain a higher education.

I deserve some kind of credit for my work because; I put time and effort into it, I complete my tasks on time, and I do them according to how my supervisor specifies.